Box Tops for Education


The most completed collection sheets received WINS A $10.00 GAS CARD!

Collection sheets due: 

Winner Announced: 



Valentine’s Day Collection Sheet – Box Tops


November Box Tops 4 Education Collection Sheet Due Date: November 30, 2015

With Box Tops, Every Dime Counts!

This year, our school will be participating in the Box Tops for Education program. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are worth 10 cents and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. This school year, our school’s earnings goal is $1000.00.


 I hope you’re excited for everything we can do this year with Box Tops! Our submission months are October and February, so save and turn in as many Box Tops as you can between now and then. Look for announcements on monthly incentives offered to you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the main office at 313-341-8285. We’re here to make our school’s Box Tops for Education program a huge success this year.


Thanks for your help!

Your Box Tops Coordinator,

Ms. V. Smith.

Learn more about how you can help our school at