Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The biggest way for our school to be better is to make it a community. Starting Point Montessori is just that – it is a small community of dedicated administration, teachers and families that support one another.

Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) works with and contributes to our school, staff and teachers. We help to fund afterschool programs, teacher grants, assemblies, field trips, as well as providing our families with recreational activities.

We also show off our appreciation to our dedicated staff and teachers with lunches and goodies throughout the school year.

We strive to work with the community and other educational organizations in our area to ensure our school is the best it can be.

Every year, the key element that makes the most impact is parent participation. As an enrolled parent you are part of a wonderful organization.

We understand that many families have several obligations and not a lot of time. Our goal is always 100% membership.

Help us to reach our goal by having a voice at your child’s school.

We look forward to working with you.


“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”


                                         – Dr. Seuss